European Home Learning Service for Seniors Association



Kick off meeting Minutes

Fürth, December 08-09th 2014




Venue: Institute for Innovation in Learning, Dr. Mack-Str. 77, Technikum 2, 3rd Floor

90762 Fürth, Germany




Paul Held

ILI, Germany

Roland Klein

ILI, Germany

Angela Köchel

ILI, Germany

Elena Coroian

ILI, Germany

Anna Slyschak

ILI, Germany

Anne-Marie Lipphardt

ILI, Germany

Elena Förthner

ILI, Germany

Roger Escuder Mollon

UJI, Spain

Cathy Fowley

DCU, Ireland

Trudy Corrigan

DCU, Ireland

Cecil Issakainen

Palmenia, Finland

Daria Kyslitska

e-seniors, France

Patrizia Papitto

e-seniors, France




Meeting Agenda


Monday, 8th of December


9:30 – 10:15

Welcome to ILI

Paul Held

Anne-Marie Lipphardt


10:15 – 10:30

Coffee Break


10:30 – 12:00

Introduction of Participating Institutions and „breaking the ice”

All partners

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch Break


13:30 – 14:00

EEHLSe Project Presentation

  • Presentation of the project, its objectives, and the background


14:00 – 14:45

Overview of the Work Plan

  • Presentation of the work plan and intellectual outputs
  • Restructuring of intellectual outputs
  • Dissemination


14:45 – 15:15

Project Management


15:15 – 15:45

Coffee Break


15:45 – 16:30

Use of available Resources

  • Presentations about project examples and already developed curricula

All partners

16:30 – 17:15

Discussion of the Work Plan (O1 User Needs Analysis)

  • Presentation of the aims of the Output
  • Methodology and time table discussion
  • O1-A2 UNA Country Report
  • O1-A3 Transnational Report




Tuesday, 9th of December


9:00 – 10:30

Financial & Administrative Issues

  • Erasmus Plus Guidelines
  • List of Participants


10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break


10:45 – 11:30

Discussion of the Work Plan (O2 Pedagogical Concept)

  • Presentation of the aims of the Output
  • Methodology and time table discussion
  • O2-A2 Pedagogical Concept
  • O2-A3 Final Pedagogical Concept
  • O2-A4 Evaluation Concept and Instruments



11:30 – 12:00

Discussion of the Work Plan (O3 Learning Platform)

  • Presentation of the aims of Output
  • Methodology and time table proposal
  • O3-A2 Definition of Technical Design
  • O3-A5 Final Version


12:00 – 13:30

Lunch Break


13:30 – 14:00

Discussion of the Work Plan (O13 Project Evaluation)

  • Presentation of the aims of Output
  • Methodology and time table proposal
  • O13-A1 Evaluation Concept
  • O13-A2 Evaluation Report


14:00 – 14:45

Open Questions

Allocation of Tasks

Next Meeting

ILI & All Partners


The leader of ILI (Paul Held) welcomed the participants in Fürth with a short introduction of the location of ILI, FAU and its students and the history of the region. He then gave an overview of the institute, e-learning and presented the project partners which are from:


The agenda was presented by Anne-Marie Lipphardt and approved by the partners.


Introduction of Participating Institutions and “breaking the ice”


All partners presented themselves, their organizations and their core area of expertise (see also partners PPP).


Trudy and Cathy gave information about the Dublin City University (DCU) and their experience with retired people. They spoke about the philosophy of University (i.e. inclusion, easy access, learning together, transformative learning, community of learning together), the modules of the University and the aims they want to reach by teaching seniors. They showed a video with pictures and interviews with older people, their collaboration with young students that gives the opportunity to learn from each other, to share skills, new stories and experience.


After their presentation the partners asked DCU about


Roger presented the Jaume University and spoke about the form of studies for seniors at the University (4 faculties, 3 years degree and postgraduate study), its philosophy (lifelong learning, changing society and the necessity to understand own social role and life changes), different subjects of the courses, different ways of teaching, numbers of the learners and dissemination aspect. Roger gave some examples where seniors can learn in different ways through:


Cecil gave her presentation about the Helsinki University and its department called Palmenia which deals with projects like:


Daria and Patrizia presented the non-university governmental institution called E-Seniors. They presented the aims and the target group of courses organized by the institution, and the activities of E-Seniors: EU Projects (ASSISTANT, ALFRED, GAMES, NeverTooLate) local projects, ICT trainings, different workshops.


EHLSSA Project Presentation


Paul presented the Profile of ILI, its aims (lifelong learning, developing in practice not in theory, thinking from pedagogical and didactical side) and past experience concerning technology enhanced learning for seniors (SNE, BSNF, SeTRAIN, eLSe/LernHaus, MobiSen, Senapp).


Overview of the Work Plan


Paul presented the vision of the EHLSSA project.

  1. Every citizen should have an opportunity to learn. The problem is that approximately 80% of older people live far away from institutions and Universities. The aim of the project is to reach such people, who want to learn something new. The aspect of motivation is very important; all partners should bring all their resources.
  2. The subject of learning can differ depending on the interest of the learners (culture, language, household keeping etc.)
  3. Interactivity and level of learning courses.


The Abbreviation EEHLSe (originally) stands for European Elderly Home Learning Service and has the project number 2014-1-DE02_KA204_001664. The partners decided to change the project name to EHLSSA – European Home Learning Service for Seniors Association in order not to offend with negatively connoted terminology.


Project Management


Anne-Marie gave general information about the project:

Concerning the target group, the partnership decided to include both, seniors with basic ICT competencies and those without.


The products of the project will be:

a)    3 E-learning courses

b)    1 Training Course for Teletutors

c)    EHLSSA Quality Chart

d)    European Elderly Home Learning Service

e)    EHLSSA Association


Additionally, each partner has to organize 2 workshops during the project lifetime, ILI will organize a European workshop and E-Seniors will hold the final conference in Paris.


Intellectual Outputs


Anne-Marie explained all intellectual outputs which were applied for (see details in PPP). She named the responsible partner and discussed the new deadlines/durations of the work plan together with the partners which had to be adapted due to the delayed project start.



Project Management


As coordinator of the EHLSSA project, ILI introduced the work and aims of project management and underlined the importance of all partners participating actively in the management, too (details see EHLSSA PPP).


To ease communication and maintain work- and knowledge flow through all partners ILI suggested some communication rules, on which all agreed:

Ø  All partners use the mailing list ( to distribute and contribute to all issues of the project.

Ø  In the first month of the project monthly online meetings organized with Adobe Connect will take place, to push the project and monitor the results. Later on every second month may be sufficient. Partners will discuss this during partners meetings.

Ø  For File exchange and the storage of documents, a system will be provided by ILI

Ø  For appointments and surveys the consortium will use doodle

Ø  Partners agreed on a procedure to produce outcomes: The Work package leader is responsible to create a first proposal of deliverables or outcomes. All partners are in charge to give feedback and to collaborate to the proposal usually within one week.


Within WP1 an internal interim report, a progress and a final report will be developed and all partners will contribute actively to them.


Ø  Internal report deadline: 30.04.2016

Ø  Final report deadline: 31.10.2017

Ø  Establishment of the mobility tool: middle – end of 2015. All of the report will be uploaded there.


ILI will create Logo proposals and send them to the partners before Christmas. The partners will make a decision during the next online meeting.


Meetings of the Project

The partnership fixed the locations for the project meetings and dates for two further meetings:



The next Online Meeting will take place the 12th January 2015 at 14.00 CET.


Financial and administrative issues


Angela Köchel explained briefly administrative and financial rules.


For reports and supporting documents, the web-based mobility tool has to be used.




Each partner receives 250 EUR per months (Management and Implementation Flat Rate). This flat rate has also to be used for dissemination purposes.


Concerning the intellectual outputs she pointed out:


Concerning transnational project meeting the following issues are important:


Multiplier events will take place in the country of the beneficiaries. Only participants from organizations can be supported (100€ for national and 200€ international participants; at a max 800 EUR will be paid per event)


Budget transfer is possible within the following circumstances:


Roland presented the overall project budget including the total budget per partner divided by staff categories (researcher, manager, administrative, technical) and the working days each partner has to reach during the project lifetime.


Presentation of the Work Plan (O1 User Needs Analysis)


Roger presented O1, its objectives, proposed strategies, methods and outcomes. Within this output, each partner has to look for a focus group. The consortium decided to have at least 20 interviewees per partner. The age of the respondents can be from 55 years up; the gender should be equally distributed.


Roger will prepare an interview grid with both open and closed questions. In order to reach all seniors, they should not be conducted online but face-to-face.


The questions can concern skills, uses, interests, subjects, motivation or experiences (difficulties, advantages) and should use a simple structure and easy language (no use of terms like “e-learning”, “ICT”, etc.). Course topics should be proposed in advance.


After the final version of the grid is ready, each partner has to translate it into the native languages.


The results will be analyzed by each partner and reported in a national UNA. This report (written in English) has to be submitted to Roger until the end of February 2014.


Presentation of the Work Plan (O2 Pedagogical Concept)


Anna introduced the objectives and outcomes of O2:


She will take care of the development of an initial template for the Pedagogical Concept until the end of December 2014. All partners will discuss about the proposal during the online meeting in January and decide about the final grid.


Presentation of the Work Plan (O3 Learning Platform)


Roland presented Output 3. At the end of the output, a learning platform will be established. Each learning modules should be translated and should have a very basic structure.


The concrete steps of O3 are:

  1. Technical requirements analysis
  2. Technical design report
  3. Prototype version
  4. Implementation (Beta Version of the online platform)
  5. Final version of the online platform


The platform will contain the following features: content, curriculum, mapping and planning, use administration, communication and collaboration tools. ILIAS (Open Source e-learning) will be used for the platform.


As an example of a ILIAS Learning Platform Elena Coroian, researcher at ILI, presented the project Lern@Haus where seniors can participate in online ICT-courses. She demonstrated the platform and point out to some of the results: very good participation and different duration as well as the time of working.


Presentation of the Work Plan (O13 Project Evaluation)


Roger presented Output 13, the project evaluation. This output contains the evaluation of all project meetings and an evaluation about each output once it is finished.

The first step within this output is to evaluate the kick-off meeting. Further details about the output will be discussed during the next meeting.


Open questions


At the end of the meeting, the partners had the chance to ask questions and make comments.

-      Trudy suggested to link seniors from different countries (its possibility i.e. in English courses)

-      Paul mentioned that the main topic of the next meeting will be the content and the structure of the course.


Allocation of tasks






Project Management | ILI



Create EHLSSA Mailing List



Storage for Project Documents


End of December 2014

Minutes of the Meeting



Logo Proposal



Feedback to Logo Proposal

All partners

19.12.2014/ 12.01.2015

Next Online Meeting

All partners

12.01.15, 2 pm CET

Next Meeting (Castellon)

All partners






Proposal for Dissemination Activity Form


End of December 2014

Website establishment


End of December 2014

Proposal for Website Content


End of December 2014

Flyer Proposal


End of January 2015

Feedback to Proposal

All partners

Middle of February 2015

Final Version


End of February 2015

Translation of Flyers

All partners

Mid of March 2015


All partners

According to needs

Proposal for Project Description


End of February 2015

Feedback to Proposal

All partners

Mid of February 2015


O1 User Needs Analysis | UJI



Draft Interview Grid



Feedback from Partners, Decision on Final Grid

All partners


Final version



Focus Groups & Questionnaires (min. 20 interviewees pp)

All partners

End of February 2015

Template/Structure for Results


End of February 2015

Results/National Reports

All partners

Mid of March 2015

Transnational Report


Beginning of April 2015


O2 Pedagogical Concept | ILI



Template for Pedagogical Concept


End of December 2014

Feedback to Template

All partners


Final Template



Literature review and desk research

All partners

Mid of February 2015

Draft national report

All partners

End of February 2015

National Concept Reports

All partners

End of March 2015

Transnational Report




O3 Learning Platform | ILI



Adaptation of Platform Design


End of April 2015

Decision about Platform Design

All partners



O13 Project Evaluation | UJI



Delivery of Feedback Form



Survey Responses

All partners


Draft Output Evaluation


End of February 2015

Decision Evaluation Form of Outputs

All partners

End of March 2015

Delivery of Output 1-Evaluation

All partners

Mid of April 2015