Electronic animated Game for European Integration and Intergenerational  Dialogue

Grundtvig Project E-GAME

2012 -2014




Kaunas Regional Innovation Center LT-Lithuania




The Discovery of Talents GB-UNITED KINGDOM

Biedriba Pro Futuro LV-LATVIA

Sadala Welfare Society EE-ESTONIA


Associação Check-In - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento PT PORTUGAL

Association M3 M-CUBE FR-FRANCE





The idea of the project started during a Preparatory meeting held in Italy in last November 2011, when different organisms (some of them granted & some not) participated at an APM hosted by the Italian organisation.


The project intends to develop an animated electronic game on European integration in which all the partners intend to co-involve together both adults and young people to permit them to work as a group without distance one from the others &

to create a synergy to favour and develop an intergenerational dialogue, as requested from the European Year 2012.


The project is very innovative because it tries to develop and to share experiences and skills that the coordinator organism has already promoted using an other European actions: now from such experiences it is born the idea that an animated

game on European integration can be created together from different organism using an action of Partnership.


The target group is composed both by elderly & young people. All the participants will have the opportunity to:

1.improve their skills of intercultural dialogue, facilitating the acquisition of the values of tolerance and mutual respect

2.develop awareness on common European values and cultural, religious, linguistic & gender diversity

3.define competences and skills of in professional areas

4.strengthen the concept of European citizenship and integration

5.learn the use of innovative technologies that can help young people to find new possibility of work.


-an European electronic animated game in English & in each own partners' language

-web site


-facebook group







The project wants to promote:

- Non-formal education

- Human rights education

- Intercultural dialogue

- Democratic citizenship

- Active participation

- Social cohesion and inclusion

- The dissemination of important EU concepts and values (fighting racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and intolerance)

The project will be developed by different groups of elderly young people, that will work in net, with the supervision of

experienced leaders.

Of course, the participating institutions will use the modern techniques of communication (e-mail, e-groups, intranet, forum

and web-site) for keeping in contact in order to develop the project activities.

During this phase the contacts will be several and the participants will exchange all sorts of information creating a real

democratic Forum regarding the rules for the game: this continuative contact will be also a useful method for the exchange

of opinions and ideas. It will contribute to the pedagogical and sociological growth of the participants.

The project aim is the creation of a playful-didactic activity not only useful for the project participants but also available for

all the others: in this perspective the game is planned to be available for all permitting to download it from a website which

will be widely disseminated.

The meaning of the game should be of course to arrive as first at final square: each player will throw dice in order to step

into the EU history and its values, cultures, activities and opportunities.

So the game will train on European knowledge, entertaining and interesting young people as only a game can do.

The game will be someway similar to the popular Goose Game but it will contain concepts to spread respect, tolerance and

mutual understanding and to fight racism and xenophobia.

So the partnership will also permit to:

- learn digital skills

- promote creativity and employability

- experiment innovative business experiences

- exchange experiences among different generations

- work together on different subjects (EU researches, images, questions, etc.)

- favourize the re-itegration of elderly people

- promote innovative sectors

- co-involve local communities (in fact when the project products will be ready, they will be presented and publicized in

schools, organizations, institutions, public administrations, etc and by internet


Kickoff Potenza Italy 22nd of November 2012



Presentation from FR


Meeting in UK - March 2013



Meeting in Lisbonne June 2013



Meeting in Prag Jan 14



Meeting in Paris (official)


Bilateral meeting Paris July 14





Draft of game



Newsletter n°1


Newsletter n°2


Leaflet (FR)


Newsletter 1 (FR)


Newsletter 2 (FR)







The partnership will work on the project in a similar way, permitting to all partners to be involved in all activities in every

project's step.The specific tasks will be distributed among the participating organizations according to their characteristics

and competences such as internet access, expertise in projects, management skills, communication skills, specific skills,

team work, experience in adult education & in the ICT field, etc. So all partners will:

-design, develop, implement and evaluate the project;

-realise questions & answers on Europe & its values and cultures (making of course also apposite researches)

-design the needs assessments tools

-contribute at each product (web site,logo,leaflets,posters,newsletters,game,cd-rom,gadgets)

-translate each realised material in own language

-discuss all aspects of the partnership

-use social networks accounts

-participate at project meetings

-produce reports & evaluation after every meeting

-manage their own finances, realise intermediary & final reports.

Moreover, as indicated before, each of the partners will be responsible also for a specific task:

-GR: content & graphic of newsletters

-EE: logo

-AT: realisation of the videos of each meeting

-LT: content & graphic of the official web site

-RO: content & graphic of leaflets

-PT: content & graphic of posters

-MT: dissemination activities using facebook & linkedn

-CZ: preparation of evaluation' tools

-LV: creation of games' rules

-TR-NL: testing the game

-UK: corrections of all texts in English

-BG: gadgets creation

-FR: dissemination activities (themathic social networks)

-ES: production of Cd-roms of the game

-IT: animations & software of the game

-IT,UK,ES,CZ,LV,FR: hosting a project meeting


The coordinator will ensure the administrative coordination, the consistency of the project and the production of the

sofware for the electronic game. It will:

- realise the general management, coordination and major responsibility of the project

- permit the coherence & continuity of the project

- do the agenda and resource plan control

- supervise directly every stage of the project;

- control the evaluations system;

- monitor all the activities;

- promote the active participation of all partners;

- coordinate the agenda for the transnational meetings;

- give indications to solve all possible conflicts;

- furnish suggestions for the development of the activities;

- realise the sofware & the animations for the electronic game.



partner will have to ensure its participation at each step in time with the planned agenda.

Because two years is a long period of time to keep the project alive and effective and such a long period of time may cause

the lack of communication and cooperation among the participants, in order to achieve an effective partnership in terms of

management, process and evaluation, each participating organisation will set up a project team with a team leader. These

team leaders will form the steering group for the project. The communication and cooperation between all the participating

institutions will be mainly provided by these team leaders.

So the communication will be held with the support of:

- international project meetings of partners;

- web site;

- e-mails;

- mail-group (it will be created to ensure the maximum sure connection possible among the participants);

- skype conferences;

- social networks (facebook, linkedin, etc.);

- Messenger;

- etc.

The website of the project will have a "private area" to which only partners will be able to access and to insert

communications, news, agenda of the meetings, materials, evaluations, contact informations, etc.

Periodic reports about the work progress will be issued respecting the planned agenda: when the coordinator places the

report, it will be sent automatically to all the partners in the mailing list.

There will be many transnational meetings in country partners where the strategies, the short term and the long term

activity plans as well as the results will be discussed and the important decisions will be taken if necessary: this type of

communication is the best method to guarantee an effective cooperation, set up changes and socialize people.

The effective cooperation and communication among the participating institutions will be organised by means of face-to-

face meetings, face-to-face conferences during the international meetings, common practical activities and research, e-mail,

forum, telephone and fax when necessary. Thus, we will share our opinions and exchange information on professional,

practical and methodological approaches.

Of course the coordinator will take responsibility for ensuring that allocated tasks will be completed on time, and that the

organisation of partnership activities will be efficient & timely, remaining constantly in regular communication with all





They will participate in scheduling the project's activities. They will work in the implementation and evaluation of them (by

communicating, delveloping activities and offering feedbacks in all phases of the project).

As mentioned therefore, the pedagogical approach that the staff will use will be based on different methods all contained in

the COMPASS or in the so called T-kit and recommended by the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

Systems thinking and the learning organization will provide the cultural ground on which learners will move because the

organizational values will focus on new modes of leadership, learning, creativity and motivation of all people without which

the process of engagement is not can be successful.

Systems thinking will facilitate the identification of organization and will allow learners to view the problems and benefits

through multiple perspectives, by taking the linear cause-effect links and all the evolutionary dynamics.

The learning organization will develop creative & "generative" learning of the beneficiaries by facilitating the use of positive

relational behaviors for the benefit of all the persons involved.

The staff will be responsible to follow, in each phase of the project, the products to be realised and the learners using

specific techiniques and ICT tools.

Among project meetings, the staff will communicate directly through an e-group and other ICT facilties.


They will be involved in all project activities, mobilities & evaluations of the materials to be realised, using the following 4


1.Do to attend and participate to do (a methodology that promotes the cultural learning and based on the need to

participate actively in the initiatives undertaken by the group to become an integral part of it, becoming protagonists and

playing a part really active in every phase of the project)

2.Lifelong learning (it will be developed through the use of subgroups and plenary session as well).

3.Learning Cooperation (that produces more attention and improves building relationships and self-esteem and allows

interpersonal skills)

4.Experiential Learning (composed of 5 stages: activities, discussion, reflection, practice and development)

The learners will prepare the questions and their answers after having realised specific surveys, contribute at the

characters, participate at project meetings and test the game. They will be also involved in the use of social networks.




The integration of learners into the activities will be ensured through different working methods well explained at the

previous point of this fom (F3). Moreover the project will assure the learning of new competences and skills for the

participants both in terms of innovative abilities and in terms of cultural experiences.

Institutions involved in the project are expected to communicate, share experiences and involve the participants in the

local and trans-national meetings and into the project workshops.

The long term and the short term products and outputs of the partnership will be integrated in the activities of all the

participating institutions during and after the partnership because all the products of the project the course will be put on

the project´s website to ensure also their future availability.

All the products realised during this project will be created to be used also in future activities by the participating

organisations: in fact the electronic game can be used in future actions as tool for learning and as a tool for ice-breaking.

So it will be very useful for the parners' organisms.



We are going to control the quality of the meetings from the beginning of the project till the end by means of monitoring,

formative evaluation, summary evaluation and final assessment by developing effective evaluation tools such as

questionnaires, interviews and meetings.

The evaluation of the objectives of the partnership and the expected impact on the targeted public (trainees and

professionals) will take place in a chronological way. This will be done by a quantitative and qualitative analysis of various

activities, the fulfilment of the tasks and the results obtained.

The project will be evaluated considering the priorities and the objectives of the Grundtvig program on its every stage. The

format of the provisional and the final reports will be structured according to the project requirements. One partner will be

in charge of the coordination of the evaluation process. The partners will also evaluate locally the impact of the project on

their organisation, staff and learners.

After each trans-national meeting, the participants will complete questionnaires. In addition, the coordinating institution will

act as an independent observer and write the evaluation report about the project techniques.

In general, we are going to evaluate the success of the project during and after the partnership using two evaluation types:

Quantitative Method and Qualitative Method.

Quantitative Method:

In this evaluation process, we are going to make the quantitative evaluation of the partnership by analyzing:

- The number of meetings and of the workshops organized during the project,

- The number of undertaken tasks,

- The number of persons participating into the projects activities,,

- The number of the materials realised by each partner organization,

- The number of the project flyers printed by each partner organization,

- The number of future collaborations established between the project participants.

Qualitative Method:

In this evaluation process, we are going to make the qualitative evaluation of the partnership in the terms of:

- The level of the collaboration between the partner organizations,

- The level of the discussions,

- The results of the questionnaires administered to the participants,

- The complexity of the work done,

- The participation assured at each step,

- The realisation of the tasks assigned on time,

- The contents of the reports.





We plan to develp dissemination with:

1.Specific project newsletters (in each language of the partners)

2.Web sites (the official one of the project, translated into all languages of the partners, & the normal web sites of the


3.Social networks

4.Leaflets & posters (in each language of the partner)

5.Cd-roms (in each language of the partner)

6.Meetings (trans-national or local)


8.Game gadgets (tshirts & pins)

9.Press conferences and communications

10.Articles on newspapers, magazines, etc.

11.Radio and television interviews


Among participating organizations the dissemination is going to be effective from the beginning through discussions on e-

group. With the staff's participation in the internal needs assessment stage, the internal dissemination will be also arranged.

The experienced achieved in the project (especially during the meetings) will be disseminated by each partner among the

institution members.


The dissemination will be assured especially with different press conferences and many meetings in which we will promote

the project and its products.

A big part of dissemination will be done by local and regional networks, accessible and approachable by the project

partners, as well as by the most appropriate methods (ICT tools, internet seminars, mass media).

The material produced will be available in specific places and spread in different situations (as workshops, conferences,

press communication, meetings, etc.): the official project web site, created during the partership, will be in fact the main

vehicle for dissemination, with the additional contribution of newsletters,leaflets,posters & other tools.

The materials will be avaible for all in a free way (public administrations,community centres,NGOs,associations,institutions,

schools, etc.)


This kind of dissemination will be effective thorugh the various 80 mail-groups operating as tools of adult education

networks & using the intranets or the communication tools of various European networks (Europe Direct, Eurodesk, ENYC,

etc.): only the coordinator is member of 35 nets!

We count to have the possibility to spead, disseminate and promote the project to other 7-10.000 new organisations in

Europe with which the single partners together are in contact.

The internet platform will be promoted and included in all partners networks, and shared in all the social network.