Young Messengers of European Memory (YoMEM)

Erasmus+ project



Project dates: 01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022 (24 months)


-          Storie di Mondi Possibili, Italy (coordinator)

-          STOP, Poland

-          Real Time, United-Kingdom

-          CEMEA, Italy

-          PRO-XPERT, Romania

-          Mobilizing Expertise, Sweden

-          M3Cube, France

The YoMEM project wants to affirm a vision of memory not as a mere nostalgic memory of a past, but as a tool aimed to enhance awareness of who we are, as individuals and as a community, in order to recover the sense of a better and possible future. The project also wants to support the important role that young people can play in this profound cultural action.

To this end, the project will create tools and methodologies aimed at developing a greater awareness of young Europeans of different ages and social backgrounds, about European identity and values. The aim of these tools and educational activities is to make young people become "messengers" of the positive values on which Europe was founded: democracy, intercultural dialogue, social justice.

In practice, the main results that will be finalized during the YoMEM project and its completion are:

-          IO1 YOMEM workshops focused on narration and sharing personal experiences related to Europe

-          IO2 YOMEM cooperative storytelling activities at a distance – young people will cooperate through remote narration methods to create narratives related to the different themes of the project.

-          IO3 YOMEM tutorials – These tutorials will explain the narration methodologies. It will be done through video formats that can easily be used by youth.

-          IO6 YOMEM Massive Online Course – The purpose is to provide the contents and the methods of IO1 and IO2 as Massive Open  Online Course


Official website
