Meeting in EVORA 4 th to 7 th February 2013




Participants :

Italy 2 persons

Spain 2 persons

Portugal 2 persons

Austria 8 persons

France 2 persons (1 staff, 1 learner)

Turkey 6 persons


4th February : arrival


5th February  Challenge day


- Morning : treasure hunt  in the public garden


The partners were divided into 4 teams and have 12 sporting steps to do  (running, climbing, archery....) for each team.

We must follow a map and must make photos.


- Afternoom : historical quizz in the old town


We have visisted , with a google map, 12 points in the old town(University of Evora, St Fransicsco church, Museum, Roman temple, pousada, Cathédral...) and we must give the answer on the questions.


-        Diner : Presentation of the challenge day results.


 All the participnts received a gift for their participation.

The maps, and the quizz will be send by e mail  and the photos placed on the OUTDOOR ICT face book page and website.



6th February 


-        Morning : meeting in the city hall


Differents points are mentioned :


1)    recapitulation of the work done by each partner since the last meeting


Italy : 2 nd round of outdoodr activities in March 2013, new points of interest with the municipality

Portugal : no activity during the winter, preparation of the meeting, in March 2 new courses

France : outdoor and indoor activities, testing the walking in the Marais for the Ebook

Austria : nothing in January, last curse in April with video. Newspaper with article about the project

Turkey : 3 activities planified in March google maps, orienting, internet with walking and GPS

Spain : walking activities near Malaga, participation for dissemination in many conferences


The coordinateur propose to list all the dissimination of all partners to produce  a document for the final rapport « template ».


All the partners must make a summary for all their  activities during 2 years ago (at local level).

Dead line for send to Italy 1 Mai 2013 and Italy makes the document


2) Final meeting : 17-20 June 2013 in Villach (Austria)


A half day for discuss about the final report  ( Italy makes a draft  of the common part ) and about the Ebook

One and half day for the geocaching activities



3) Presentation of the BOX by Austria


It is a government ( Geographical Informativ Systeme) project :  to give to the students a « BOX »  with game cards, DVD, text....for geoactivities in the town.

The cost is100€


4) Electronic Book


Spain made summary and presentation the final version in Villach.

The dead line for send participation of each partner is 12 May 2013 in 2 forms : word and PDF

Next week spain sends text and all the partner make corrctions and include their participation .

For France « Geomedia ADN Cultural heritage. A walk trough the historical center of Paris »


5) FaceBook page :


 France asks to Turkey to make 2 modifications  : put the grundvig logo and  add  in the category  « teacing and use of ICT » (a request for the French National Agency)



            - Afternoom : Tourism visit Arraiolos village, Cromeleque (historical remains)






Feedback from one French learner who participated in the meeting :



Souvenirs du meeting OUTDOOR ICT  à EVORA du 4 au 7 février 2013


Après un atterrissage à LISBONNE rejoint la gare routière par le métro.

Déjà nous rencontrions des participants notamment nos amis TURQUES;

Chaleureux accueil de notre hôtesse Maria à l'Hôtel SANTA CLARA


Le lendemain matin regroupement au jardin public ,formation des groupes

cosmopolites pour des épreuves ludiques de localisation et jeux.

Tirs à l'arc ,descentes en rappel, courses en sacs etc.

Après un repas au restaurant LE VAUBAN et son service étoilé visite de

ville historique,Temples  Romains universités,musée cathédrale

Le soir diner avec projections des épreuves matinales


Mercredi réunion de travail pour les cadres .Temps libre pour les adhérents

jusque 11h30

Remise des certificats  aux participants .


l'après midi départ en bus vers des sites historiques et ludiques tel

Aldeia daTerra

imposant  site mégalithique au milieu de "nulle part "

Pour terminer dîner typique portugais avec sa mélancolique chanteuse de

Fado et ses guitaristes.


Ce fut un excellent séjour où la langue de Shakespeare devait s'exprimer,


où chacun faisait en sorte  de comprendre l'autre (tant mieux pour moi ),

Merci à Maria, Françoise aux organisateurs et tous les participants.

            M. DESLANGLE