Ccenter is a 12-month EIT HEALTH programme project involving 6 partner organisations for the year 2019:


1) University of Barcelona (Spain)


2) Achmea (Netherlands)


3) Leyden Academy (Netherlands) 


4) Association E-Seniors (France)


5) University of Copenhagen (Denmark) 


6) University of Newcastle (Great Britain) 




CCentre's objective is to improve the ageing process and the well-being of citizens by using the stories of seniors as a tool for critical reflection on professional practice so that it is based on a more humane and at the same time more effective interaction.  



The course will follow a participatory methodology in which the stories/narratives of the seniors will be analysed by the trainer. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences with seniors and to interpret them according to the concepts presented during the training. 



The results of the project are as follows:




1. A training program on citizens' narratives on health and the health system 


2. A platform of distance learning courses on the collection and use of narratives 


3. A two-day seminar on citizens' narratives on health and the health system