Paris Project Meeting Leonardo Da Vinci Learning Partnership Project



Paris, France, 29th to 30th of April 2014





List of Participants:




Quarter Mediation (QMED)

The Netherlands

- Cristina Stefan

- Rui Faria

Prywatne Centrum Ksztalcenia Kadr (PCKK)


- Ewa Ratynska

- Barbara Janic

- Marlgorzata Pokosz

- Danuta Sadownik

- Michal Ratynski

- Grzegorz Lustyk

Centro Integrado Publico de Formación Profesional Misericordia



- Nieves Villarroya

- Jesús Hernández

- Miguel Vidal

Institut E-Seniors (IES)


- Anaïs Fernandez

- Estelle Ziegler

- Monique Epstein


Monday, 28th of April 2014

8:00 PM: Dinner at « Léon de Bruxelles » with the participants



1st day of meeting, 29th of April 2014

10:15 AM: Welcome and opening (at Institut E-Seniors local)

10:30 AM: Presentation of Valencia Meeting Questionnaire Results

Satisfaction questionnaire: 90% of satisfaction.

10:45 AM: Presentation of best practices « Link School - Labour Market »

·       QMED: “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs”


QMED chose this example because it is linked to our topic. It corresponds to entrepreneurial behavior. It is not compulsory to make a business for participating to this programme. Everybody can subscribe as far as they are major. Any idea, any area is good and welcomed. It is like an online tool. An entrepreneur can obtain funding, foreign exchange or council.

3 ways to be involved in this project:

ü  Experimented entrepreneurs (more than 3 years experience)

ü  Start-up (less than 3 years experience)

ü  To have a business idea

The programme addresses to European countries. There are national contact points in each country (ex: in France 6 points of contacts with 2 points in Paris). The local agencies can provide free council.

QMED is involved in this programme as local agency for more than 2 years.

The deadline of the call is at the end of next year.

·       PCKK: “Junior achievement” (cf. PPT presentation)

Project Modernization of Vocational Education

·       CIPFPM: “Final Project and Work Placement” (cf. Power Point Presentation)

2 main pillars:


ü  Final Project: Students choose a subject or topic related to entrepreneurship. They present the project the next year. The projects are individuals.

ü  Workplacement: each year they manage almost 500 work placements every year. It’s the faster way to have contact with the labour market.


·       IES: « Entreprendre pour apprendre » (cf. Power Point Presentation)

E-Seniors Institute contacted them to be part of COBUSVET project. They seem very interested even if they couldn’t attend the workshop.

12:00 PM: Presentation of project leaflet in French and English

The leaflets have been accepted by all partners. They are few things to improve.

12:45 PM: Lunch at « Chez Papa » with all participants

2:30 PM: Visit of la Mutinerie: “Coworking Space”

·      Monique Epstein gives the certificates to the participants.

3:00 PM: Round table in la Mutinerie for the managers/directors and staff of the partners' organizations involved in the project “NEW APPROACHES AND SOLUTIONS IN ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION IN EUROPE”


ü  Xavier Jaquemet: Mutinerie fundator

ü  Fabien Grenet: self-employed freelance

ü Françoise Trentesaux: teacher

Summary and Topics:

ü  State of art about entrepreneurship in schools/universities

ü  Link “Schools/Entrepreneurship”: few examples of best practices

ü  Which are the main difficulties & obstacles encountered?

ü  Which means should be considered to encourage entrepreneurship?

ü  Which kind of implication is expected from the involved stakeholders (teachers, entrepreneurs and young people)?


·       Presentation of each participant

The round table began with the first topic. Then, naturally, during the discussion, all the other topics were treated. Here are the main ideas that came out.

ü  State of art about entrepreneurship in schools/universities

Spain: difficulties for Spanish people to open a business in the country. Because of the crisis, young people usually go abroad.

Poland: not really interested by entrepreneurship. Young people are more focused on getting a job after the University. For the young that go to technical school, they are more used to be on their own. The state helps to develop a company, to establish a business idea but not a store.

France: entrepreneurship is painful, that why the name of “Mutinerie” was chosen. Entrepreneurship is one of the solutions for reduce the unemployment says Monique. But there is difficulty with mentality trend.

ü  Question:  is anyone can be an entrepreneur?

For the Netherlands, Cristina says that it is needed to develop an entrepreneurial attitude. Need to be proactive! But it’s a lot a work with communication.

In Spain, there is not this mentality. For example, Jesus says it’s not his dream to open a business.

For France, Monique talks about her proper experience with entrepreneurship. She didn’t want opening a company so she decided opening an association.

In Poland, some Polish people that had experience in foreign country come back to Poland with knowledge and willing of entrepreneurship.

Cristina thinks that it is important to teach to new entrepreneur how to be an entrepreneur. Xavier rather thinks that to teach an environment is not the same and it is better. All agree that teaching to trust in our self is very important. Maybe the word “to teach” is not the more relevant one. There are a formal method and an informal method. In fact, to teach entrepreneurship is also different from teaching to be an entrepreneur.

ü                                                                Importance of the risks for people who wants to start a business

Experience from the teacher, Françoise TRENTESAUX: build a project is not taught at schools. And trust should be taught.

ü                                                                How is assess the performance?

The performance means the results of the training organized by educational institutions. Xavier asks what the most efficient methodology is. There is no specific answer and all recognize that the methodology should change and evolve. Thus, teacher’s mentality should change and it is the more difficult. They should adapt their methodology to different students and be more flexible. Qualitative criteria may be taken into account. A new methodology may benefit to more young people and may especially motivate more people. It is important not to lose his curiosity (cf.  Fabien testimony). And to note that it is different to be a teacher and to be a coaching.


ü                                                                Testimony from Xavier Jaquemet

à Movie: “Being and Becoming” programmed in Paris

à Unmonastery: venue in Italy, in Matera where social innovators are welcomed: 400€ a month. There is a website. It’s really innovative.

à Startup Chile: develop the start-up in Chile

àBernard Ferte

There are a lot of incubators and “pepinières” (in the last one which you pay anything). It’s a collaborative mentoring.

ü                                                                A community

Polish people like the fact that la Mutinerie proposes the location, the materials but also a “community”. This is a good support. Independent workers and entrepreneurs are talking between them about subjects. People have new ideas and they can share their critics, opinions.



à How we could innovate the community of today? Everyone has different backgrounds, experiences. Need to be connected with other co working spaces in the world.

à Work on performances. Need to be clear with indicators.

à To create curriculum for entrepreneurs networking




8:00 PM: Dinner at “Le Pharamond” with all participants


2nd day of meeting, 30th of April 2014

10:15 AM: Welcome

10:30 AM: Presentation of dissemination activities by each partner

Numbers of person involved, “likes” pour Facebook = proof of dissemination has to be uploaded in Wiggio. Miguel will check if something is still missing.

It is good to add photos if possible.

·        CIPFPM: dissemination in the school with a video in YouTube (number of visits).

·        QMED: promoting the activity in the courses, in magazines etc.

·        PCKK: document presentation

·       IES: document presentation

11:00 AM First steps of Business Glossary

Words connected with entrepreneurship.

Presentation from Polish and Dutch partners.

11:30 AM Decisions about the further project works



·        E-book

Miguel suggests making an e-book with the products of the project. It costs 40€, so 10€ per partner. Everybody agrees.

·        Business Plan

Miguel already prepared a business plan with contents. It will be available in Wiggio platform. Cristina will also suggest a model. The other partners will complete it.

·        Next Consortium Meeting in Poland

Polish partners will provide logistic information in Wiggio.


·        Outcomes


(Introduction = steps; words: 2 words x 4 organizations x 5 meetings = 40 words)

-         CIPFPM – translation ES of the first 10 words

-         Initiating the 3rd round of 10 words ES-EN and publishing in Wiggio for the meeting in PL

-         QMED – translation NL of the 2nd round of 10 words DONE

-         How to open a company in … steps


ü  BEST PRACTICES: business plan, draft form / tips business

-         CIPFPM – publish a practical example of the business plan for the meeting in PL

-         QMED – publish a draft of the business plan for the meeting in PL DONE






·        Pending Individual tasks

-         Everybody will upload in Wiggio the proof of dissemination activities and a summary.

-         Everybody will upload in Wiggio/Dissemination/ a print screen of the project section from the organization webpage.



§  coordination of the project activities; ONGOING

§  coordination of the communication process; ONGOING

§  initiation of the Wiggio communication group; DONE

§  creation of a project section on the organization website; DONE

§  organization of the KICK-OFF MEETING (Oct 2013); DONE

§  organization of one more project meeting in the Netherlands;

§  making feedback questionnaire both for the meetings and for the project development; DONE

§  making expectation questionnaires; DONE

§  presentation with the topic `Training course for VET specialists: BUSINESS COMMUNICATION` DONE

§  translation NL of the 2nd round of 10 words DONE

§  QMED – publish a draft of the business plan for the meeting in PL DONE



§  Workshop `BUSINESS GAMES’; - June Poland

§  coordination of the evaluation process; ONGOING

à Collecting feedback questionnaires for the first 3+PL meetings, summarizing the results (graphics) and documenting the intermediate report

§  competition project LOGO; DONE

§  competition and final form of the project POSTER; - after Sept 2014

§  organization of one project meeting and the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIOM in the final conference (the presentations will be published in electronic format on the web pages of the project partners);

§  creation of a project section on the organization website; DONE




§  organization of 2 project meetings; one DONE

§  organization of an workshop about entrepreneurship in the first project meeting in Spain; DONE

§  round table "THE ROLE OF ICT IN TEACHING BUSINESS” in the 2nd project meeting in Spain (2015); DONE

§  coordination of dissemination process;


àTo collect and summarize all the dissemination activities in an excel table (see draft form presented by Quarter Mediation in the Kick-off meeting) ONGOING

§     creation of a project section on the organization website;

§     research report about The VIRTUAL TRAINING FIRMS (initiation and organization of the virtual companies/work development – transactions/ organization  of the training firms network) discussion Poland

§     Draft business plan – June Poland


ü  IES

§  organization of 2 project meetings; one DONE

§  organization round table for the managers/ directors and staff of the partners' organizations involved in the project “NEW APPROACHES AND SOLUTIONS IN  ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION IN EUROPE” DONE

§  social network initiation – creation and maintenance of the project  Facebook page; ongoing

§  best practices "LINK SCHOOL-LABOUR MARKET“ from the partner countries to be presented in  a project meeting in France (2014); DONE

§  creation of a project section on the organization website; DONE

§  making 3 newsletters in electronic format (Feb. 2014; June 2014; May 2015); 1st Newsletter DONE

§  research report about The VIRTUAL TRAINING FIRMS (initiation and organization of the virtual companies/work development – transactions/ organization  of the training firms network)  discussion Poland

§  feedback questionnaire summary meeting France (till the meeting in Poland) on Wiggio


12:30 PM Lunch at “Aux Edelweiss” with all partners

2:00 PM End of the Meeting