Traditions, recipes and cuisines from Europe using smartphone (TRACEus)

Erasmus+ KA2 - Duration: 2 years (September 2020 - August 2022)




- Dublin City University (Ireland - coordinator)

- CARDET (Cyprus)

- E-Seniors (France)

- Universidad de Castilla (Spain)

- Mediter (Belgium)

- Fondacija Lale (Bulgaria)




The objective of TRACEus is to share recipes from kitchens in your country of origin in order to improve digital learning for senior citizens. This innovative approach uses food culture as a vehicle for mobile learning and social integration. Mobile technology can be a tool for lifelong learning and facilitate intergenerational communication.


Food and traditions, through cooking recipes, preserve our cultural identities and will thus be preserved and safeguarded for future generations, in order to develop new skills and improve social cohesion.




The TRACEus project is structured into 3 Intellectual Productions (IOs):


·         O1: Training in digital content creation: 30 participants (elderly/migrants) will be trained to become authors of digital content in which they share knowledge, skills and experiences.

·         O2: Innovative and interactive learning platform (videos). An enriched digital and multimedia learning content and an open source database will enable the preservation of recipes, stories and traditions from different countries.

·         O3: Testing/implementation: 110 older adults will be directly involved in the project activities by testing and evaluating the material developed.



Newsletter (March 21)

Newsletter (April 21)

Newsletter (May 21)