Project  H2020

TRAPEZE -  TRAnsparency, Privacy and security for European citiZEns


Duration : 36 mois (between 1.5.2020 – 31.4.2023)

Coordinator : TenForce BVBA, Belgium

Partners :

·         GEIE ERCIM / W3C, France

·         TechnischeUniversitaet Berlin, Germany

·         InformatieVlaanderen, Belgium

·         Deutsche Teleom AG, T-Labs, Germany

·         CaixaBank SA, Spain

·         ConsorzioInteruniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica, Italy

·         UnabhängigesLandeszentrumfürDatenschutz, Germany

·         Kaspersky Lab Italia SRL, Italy

·         Institute Mihajlo Pupin, Serbia

·         Ipsos Belgium SA, Belgium

·         Athens Technology Centre S.A., Greece

·         E-Seniors Association, France

We are all aware of the rise of the digital age and reap the benefits of a data-driven society. Our activities, industrialprocesses, and research amass unimaginable amounts of data. This comes at a cost to the very society that created it. It has become immensely difficult, if not impossible, to manage and, hence, keep safe. Europeans are becoming increasingly aware of the security and privacy risks, and consequences of data mistreatment, and are taking up a more active role in the protection of their own data. And, while awareness-raising is a key in engaging all participants in the protection of citizens’ fundamental rights, a foundation of trust is essential for strengthening society’s overall cyber resilience. These stakeholders need the right tools and guidelines to enforce the will of the citizens and turn the fight against data misuse and cybercrime into a joint effort.
TRAPEZE brings together over a decade worth of EU-funded research in security and privacy, as well as proprietary solutions and know-how, towards marketable innovations.


The TRAPEZE project will lead the way in putting cutting-edge technologies to practical use and become a lighthouse for European and global initiatives aiming to deliver citizen-first, cyber-resilient, innovation by:

(1) bringing all stakeholders together under a common resilience framework;

(2) empowering the citizens with the necessary tools and know-how to manage their security and privacy;

(3) supporting the acquisition of citizens’ consent ;

(4) restoring citizens’ trust in the digital economy;

(5) reconstructing data lineage and implementing transparency by design;

(6) demonstrating its applicability in 3 different operating environments of public, telecom and financial sectors.

 The role of E-Seniors in the project:

• Exploitation Strategy and Business Plans / Usability & Societal experts: Together with IPSOS, ESE will ensure:
- effective dissemination of research studies to ensure the findings reach all those who can benefitfrom them;
- exploiting the findings more directly within the company and beyond;
- Producing articlesabout the TRAPEZE work and seek to have these published in relevant academic journals;
- Increase expertisein implementing the GDPR in the research and innovation activities.
• ESE will be involved in several tasks during this project:
a)Citizen-centric use case scenarios; b) Data protection and legal requirements; c) Citizens’ security and privacy control interfaces; d) Transparency and compliance dashboards; e) Citizen-driven risk management and incident reporting; f) Usability and accessibility (ESE will undertake research among wider groups of citizens at key junctures of the project); g) Privacy preferences and sociological aspects analysis (ESE will conduct the usability and accessibility testing, as well as deliver the sociological insights which may affect our design decisions); h) Use case implementation;i) Use case evaluation, user feedback, and lessons learnt; j) Roadmap for dissemination and communication; k) Project identity and web presence; l) Clustering, networking and conferences & fairs.
• E-Seniors will be leader of the "Security & Privacy Awareness and Competence Testing" (ensure that the knowledge base is translated at least to three majorEuropean languages in addition to English and lead the testing of thetraining resources);
• ESE as an end-user representative willcontribute to the consortium by providing theperspective of senior citizens, including those withdisabilities, throughout the project, starting fromthe requirements specification, to deployment, tovalidation.
• ESE will collaborate with IPSOS on the usability and accessibility assessment of the platform. In this regard, IPSOS will be also engaged with an analysis of privacypreferences and sociological aspects, while the related end-user perspective will be provided by ESE.

Official Website


1rst Press Release