E-Chance for Women Entrepreneurship

Lifelong Learning ProgramGrundtvig Learning Partnership



Kick-off Meeting Report


16-17 December 2013

Istanbul, Turkey


Minutes of Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-off meeting was held on in Istanbul on 16th-17th December, 2013 with representatives from all partners

Organization Name: SuleymanSah University

Country: Turkey

Person: Assist.Prof. Habibe ILHAN

E-mail :hilhan@ssu.edu.tr


Organization Name: SuleymanSah University

Country: Turkey


E-mail :asaatcioglu@ssu.edu.tr

Web Site: www.ssu.edu.tr


Organization Name: SuleymanSah University

Country: Turkey

Person: Habibe YUCEL

E-mail :hyucel@ssu.edu.tr


Organization Name: Institute fürLern-Innovation

Country: Germany

Person: Paul Held

E-mail :paul.held@fau.de,paul.held@fim.uni-erlangen.de


Organization Name: Institute fürLern-Innovation

Country: Germany

Person: Claudio Fischer

E-mail :claudio.fischer@ili.fau.de


Organization Name: Institute fürLern-Innovation

Country: Germany

Person: Katharina Gernardinger

E-mail :katharina@gernardinger-online.de


Organization Name: Institute fürLern-Innovation

Country: Germany

Person: Katharina Nolte

E-mail :Katharina-nolte@gmx.net , Katharina.nolte@ili.fau.de



Organization Name: Institute fürLern-Innovation

Country: Germany

Person: Esther Paulmann

E-mail :esther.paulmann@ili.fau.de


Organization Name: M3 Cube

Country: France

Person: Annais Fernandez

E-mail :annais.fernandez95@gmail.com


Organization Name: M3 Cube

Country: France

Person: Daria Kyslitska

E-mail :daria.kyslitska@gmail.com


Meeting has started with a welcome speech delivered by Ms. Habibe İLHAN. She presented OECD statistics on women employment and entrepreneurship from OECD annual reports.

After an exchange of cordialities and introductions other each partner organization presented their organization and project experience.

All partners presented best practices on women entrepreneurship projects and institutions. ( e.g BGA from DE, KOSGEB from TR)

After lunch, the project consortium visited a sample women incubation center(PendikKİSGEM) in Pendik and received brief information from the manager of KİSGEM. This visit also drew a frame in participants mind about the needs of women entrepreneurs.

Afternoon session started at 15:45 where all were tasks summarized by SSU with a discussion in order to clarify what was aimed to be done at proposal.

The project will start by need analysis of female entrepreneurs.

Project partners will:

Define/ describeneeds of ourpopulation (takeintoaccountcountrydifferences)

·        Information (findtheresearchcategories):

o   usingsocialmedia as promotiontool

o   Fundingandsupportresources

o   Basic businessskills ( business plan, risk analysis, SWOT) guidingtoexistingresources

How weassertneeds:

Questionnaireto(50 perpartner)

a)      Women (employed, unemployed, Professional, allages, alllevels of education)

b)     Organizationsconcerningwithwomensenterpreneurshipissues (anykind)


Recordedinterviews (at leasttwoperpartner)


SSU: preparequestionnaireand sent for feedbacktopartners; incorporatefeedbackandhave link runningbymidjanuary


Dissamination plan andquestionnairewill be createdby FR(Annais)


Discussion of potentialDatabase

-         Contactlinks

-         Organizations

-         Best practices

-         Resources

o   Funding

o   Support

o   Legal advice

o   certification


1st day of theKoM has ended at dinner.

2nd daywasreserved for citytour.