
Media and information literacy and digital competences enhancement for active aging” (MILEAGE)

Erasmus+ project

1st February 2022 to the 31st January 2024


Coordinator :

E-Seniors (France)


Partners of the project :

Framework (Italy),

CARDET (Cyprus),

EDUCATOR (Czech Republic)

WSBINOZ (Poland).


MILEAGE aims at creating a new and more engaging way to foster seniors’ digital skills and media and information literacy (MIL) to empower them in the use of ICT tools in everyday life (ie. e-gov, social media, streaming) and to raise awareness on digital dangers and how to face them.  


The development of the MILEAGE project will be divided into 4 main results, with specific activities and tasks:


-          Report on risks and barriers faced by seniors in the digital environment

-          Virtual risks scenarios

-           Micro lessons with explanations on the defined risks

-          Handbook for adult educators with guidance supporting training activities (multiplier effect).


  First newsletter

Second newsletter


