


Projet IDEA-C – Europe for Citizens


Coordinateur: Commune de Geraci Siculo et Eprojectconsult

Site web:



·         Commune de Geraci Siculo - Italie

·         Eprojectconsult - Istituto Europeo di Formazione e ricerca - Italie


·         Zwiazek Stowarzyszen MULTIKULTURA - Pologne

·         Mediter - Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen pour la Coopération a.i.s. – Belgique

·         E-Juniors – France

·         M2C Institut fur angewandte Medienforschung GmbH – Allemagne

·         Kistarcsa Város Önkormányzata – Hongrie

·         Know and Can Association – Bulgarie



·         SA Noored Teaduses ja Ettevõtluses – Estonie






Le projet a pour objectif de restaurer la confiance entre les citoyens européens et le système électoral actuel. En effet, ce projet fait directement référence aux derniers résultats des élections européennes et au taux de participation extrêmement faible dû à la fois à un système de vote qui n’est pas obligatoire mais également à un déficit démocratique à travers l’Europe.


Le projet répond aux trois principales causes de cette faible participation aux élections européennes :

-       Manque d’intérêt et de connaissance du fonctionnement démocratique de l’Union européenne

-       Méfiance envers les institutions européennes

-       Absence de sentiment d’appartenance à l’Europe


Le projet IDEA-C est basé sur la création de 13 ateliers locaux dans chaque pays membre partenaire du projet et sur la participation de chaque organisation partenaire à 4 réunions internationales.





  1. Création d’une plateforme Internet
  2. Participation à 4 réunions internationales
  3. Sélection de 8 experts nationaux
  4. 13 ateliers locaux, 1 par pays membre partenaire du projet 
    Atelier en France
  5. 1 documentaire, produit final de dissémination
  6.  Lien sur facebook




1ère réunion: Geraci Siculo, Italie

13-16 novembre 2014

Présentation de E-Juniors

Compte rendu de la rencontre

2ème réunion: Budapest, Hongrie

21-23 mai 2015

Compte rendu


3ème réunion: Brême, Allemagne

17 Juillet 2015

Compte rredu

4ème réunion: Cracovie, Pologne

12-14 Février 2016


Réunion de lancement à Geraci Siculo, 14-15 novembre 2014 – Sicile (Italie)







The project «Inter-cultural Dimension for European Active Citizenship – Idea C»was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2"Networks of Towns"

4 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1
Participation: The eventinvolved103citizens, including 31participants fromthe city ofBrussels (Belgium), GeraciSiculo(Italy), participants fromthe city ofBremen (Germany),participants fromthe city ofKrakow (Poland),participants fromthe city ofMurcia (Spain),participants fromthe city ofKistarcsa (Hungary),participants fromthe city ofTallin (Estonia),participants fromthe city ofParis (France),participants fromthe city ofPiraeus (Greece),participants fromthe city ofOldham (Uk),participants fromthe city ofLjubljana (Slovenia),participants fromthe city ofLisbon (Portugal),participants fromthe city ofSofia (Bulgaria).

Location/ Dates: The event took place inGeraciSiculo, (Italy), from 13/11/2014 to 16/11/2014

Short description: The aim of the event was:
- To make an Introduction to the project;
- To make a presentation of the partnership: each partner presented its institution;
- To arrange a press conference with local stakeholders
- To define the structure of the national workshops
- To instruct all the partners about how the web platform works
- To visit the Muserbach and spend some free time with local citizens
- To share opinion about the concept of democracy in its country
- Technical session aboutimportance of civic participation at EU level; the motivational issue as to why electors should engage themselves;the concept of democracy;the way how politics affects our everyday life (use of concrete examples);the misconception that it is useless to go to the polls.

Event 2
Participation: The event involved 113citizens, including 34participants fromthe city ofBrussels (Belgium), GeraciSiculo(Italy), participants fromthe city ofBremen (Germany), participants fromthe city ofKrakow (Poland), participants fromthe city ofMurcia (Spain), participants fromthe city ofKistarcsa (Hungary), participants fromthe city ofTallin (Estonia), participants fromthe city ofParis (France), participants fromthe city ofPiraeus (Greece), participants fromthe city ofOldham (Uk), participants fromthe city ofLjubljana (Slovenia), participants fromthe city ofLisbon (Portugal), participants fromthe city ofSofia (Bulgaria).

Location/ Dates: The event took place inBudapest (Hungary), from 21/05/2015 to 23/05/2015

Short description: The aim of the event was to focus on the democratic workings of the EU. Conferences were held in Hungary, presenting among others the different modes of civic participation (e.g. voting), how the EP works and how its electoral processes influence how the EU is run.
Type of activity run
1)press conference
2)introductive discussion
4)round table
5)session about the dissemination
6) session about project documentation
7) evaluation

Event 3
Participation: The event involved 87citizens, including 27participants fromthe city ofBrussels (Belgium), GeraciSiculo(Italy), participants fromthe city ofBremen (Germany), participants fromthe city ofKrakow (Poland), participants fromthe city ofMurcia (Spain), participants fromthe city ofKistarcsa (Hungary), participants fromthe city ofTallin (Estonia), participants fromthe city ofParis (France), participants fromthe city ofPiraeus (Greece), participants fromthe city ofOldham (Uk), participants fromthe city ofLjubljana (Slovenia), participants fromthe city ofLisbon (Portugal), participants fromthe city ofSofia (Bulgaria).

Location/ Dates: The event took place inBremen (Germany), from 18/07/2015 to 18/07/2015

Short description: The aim of the event wasto reach:
- Stronger insights into the current EU issues related to everyday life
- Greater openness towards intercultural dimensions and diversity
- Knowledge of democratic tools and influence over e.g. the EP
- Knowledge about European dimensions and policies
- Greater encouragement of civic participation through creative format of the event
- Greater dissemination of the results through artistic expression

Event 4
Participation: The event involved 155citizens, including 51 participants fromthe city ofBrussels (Belgium), GeraciSiculo(Italy), participants fromthe city ofBremen (Germany), participants fromthe city ofKrakow (Poland), participants fromthe city ofMurcia (Spain), participants fromthe city ofKistarcsa (Hungary), participants fromthe city ofTallin (Estonia), participants fromthe city ofParis (France), participants fromthe city ofPiraeus (Greece), participants fromthe city ofOldham (Uk), participants fromthe city ofLjubljana (Slovenia), participants fromthe city ofLisbon (Portugal), participants fromthe city ofSofia (Bulgaria).

Location/ Dates: The event took place inCracow (Poland), from 12/02/2016 to 14/02/2016

Short description:The aim of the event was to end with a mediating event during which participants discussed about a first draft of a documentary about the project which was then used as dissemination tool. An informative session about the web platform featuring e.g. educational games promoting civic and democratic participation was held. Interactive game involved a great audience of citizens. Finally a round table for the partners focused on project results and follow up measures to tackle.