The project aims to encourage intergenerational learning (IGL) by exploring cross cultural experiences, best practices and methodologies within Europe and the wider life-long learning community. The EU pays particular attention to its aging population and 2012 is designated as the year of Active Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity. Some European countries have already developed IGL methods and tools, but there is still a gab that needs to be filled with knowledge and expertise. The project will introduce formal and informal practices of IGL that bring Elders and younger generations closer together, such as tandem formation, IGL communication and cooperation techniques. The partners involved will provide practical knowledge in IGL and cooperation in different social aspects such as the working environment, social clubs and networks.
To achieve the main goal of the project, the partners will initially exchange information on local structure and experiences of IG-Learning and the acquisition of key competences. The guide will have a specific structure that will include its relevance to EU policies, methods, practices and approaches. At a second stage, the partners will host study visits in each country meeting, so that visiting partners experience different practices from first hand. The coordinating institution will gather experiences and partner feedback reports, which will be the main body of the best practice guide. In the third stage, the partners will test the developed instruments through the creation of tandems of elders, middle aged and young people, while the guide will keep evolving. Finally, the partners will evaluate the project activities and produce a report describing the various phases and activities of the project; leading to the Best Practice guide.

Best Practice GuideDissemination
3rd Project Newsletter2nd Project Newsletter
1st Project Newsletter
Project Leaflet
Project Poster
IGL & Communication (Greece)
IGL Activities (Greece)
Intergenerational 2014 (FRANCE) Intergenerational 2013 (FRANCE)Intergenerational 2012 (FRANCE)