Kickoff meeting
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Mainstream of Integrating Adults through "Soul of the Music Energy"
(Kocaeli Metropolitan Turkish Art Music Association)-Coordinator
Kocaeli Büyüksehir Musiki Cemiyeti
-First project meeting – 29th OCT-02 NOV 2010
Mainstream of Integrating Adults through "Soul of the Music Energy"
(Kocaeli Metropolitan Turkish Art Music Association)-Coordinator
Kocaeli Büyüksehir Musiki Cemiyeti
-First project meeting – 29th OCT-02 NOV 2010
Coordinator : TURKEY: Kocaeli Metropolitan Turkish Art Music Association
DENMARK: Fredensborg Aftenskole
1- Lise Wille-Jørgensen
2-Annemari Rommedahl
3-Olby Eva
FRANCE: Association Elephant Musik
6- Éric Garnier
ITALY : Conservatorio di Musica “Tito Schipa” di Lecce
7- Aurigi Anna
8- Cosi Luisa
ITALY : Gruppo Folk “La Fontana”-partner (They couldn’t participate the first meeting due to the problems with their National Agency)
PORTUGAL: Associação de Cultura Musical de Lousada
9-Fernanda Alves
10-Luisa Ferreira
ROMANIA: Orizont Cultural T
11-Rodica Victoria Miala -President
12-Silvia Cartu-member staff
13-Roxana Gabriela Tamplaru-member staff
14-Ligia Maria Cartu Adult learner
UNITED KINGDOM: Live Music Now South West
15-Kathrine lANE
16- Mankin Nina Deborah
17-Velez Sierra Mauricio Andres
1st DAY:
All the institutions introduced themselves, their country and institutions. Romania and Portugal weren’t able to participate the 1st day of the meeting because of the travel delays. Gruppo Folk La Fontana weren’t able to participate to our meeting totally due to the problems with their National Agency.
2nd DAY:
Nilgün EKICI (Project Manager) explained about the context of the project. All the participants opened the project form and they had discussion over it.
Our project "SOME", is focused on adult learners, individually or small groups, young or senior voluntary, from European countries, interested to enrich their knowledge, language and social abilities in order to get a new European dimension.
In the first year of the project, the countries will prepare a traditional music concert and a music box including flash cards and presentations telling about traditional musical instruments, famous composers, historical information, some notes of traditional songs, videos of some concerts, brochures of the association,city,country and some traditional features. The host country will perform its own traditional concert and introduce the musical traditional features to the partners.
In the second year of the project, Each country will have music boxes of all countries. They will look into the boxes, exhibit them and announce a music training open to public.They will use local media tools to get the participants. They will try to include especially disadvantaged people of the society to the training. In this training, They will introduce all the musical features of each country to the trainess.They will have a music training programme material. After the trainings, They will evaluate the quality of the training with questionaires. They will also arrange exhibitions of these training materials of music boxes. Each country will send the notes of 2 traditional songs to each other. The countries will perform instrumental music concerts with these traditional songs with the slide shows introducing the music and culture of the countries. They will also form a musical web site and upload all these audio-visual materials and cultural aspects with a comment and discussion forum in order to evaluate the project and all these performances.
The objectives:
Our objectives of partnership are;
For Trainess:
* Bringing Europe and the European Community closer to the trainess, and introducing the European dimension into their education
* Collaborating different nations and cultures in the frame of music
* Catching the international soul of the music by performing one another's traditional songs.
* Giving opportunity to the members of the associations and the public to learn about different music
* Clarifying differences and the common points of the nation's music
* Creating a common musical product of nation's in a music box including musical flashcards, booklets, notes and a musical web portal which we can exhibit our common performances.
* Rehabilitating the trainess of the associations in the frame of cultural integration with the power of music.
* Integrating into the idea of equality, respect and tolerance in the frame og being a world citizen. * Meeting at the common point of 'Active Solidarity and Citizenship' * Forming a cultural and musical web portal including all the performances and traditional music of participating countries with the forum which will allow the visitors to write their own comments. * Getting rid of the prejudices with the soul of the music energy.
* Opening new horizons through contact with centres and teaching staffs from other countries * Becoming acquainted with other music cultures and educational systems. * Helping trainers to be motivated by and enjoy their work * Improving their teaching practice through reflection and cooperative work * Sharing different viewpoints regarding music and musical practices * Creating a common corpus of materials and activities by exchanging information with all organizations forming part of the music education communities in our partner countries: trainers, trainees, etc
With " SOME", We intend to address active citizenship, the European dimension, learning to learn and the role of music in the adults' easier integration. The project centres on a new approach to enhance awareness of the adults' contribution as active citizens bringing in their life a change that makes them useful in their community. Learning about culture, about the musical heritage, as well as associated traditions such as dance, playing instruments, folklore can enrich our horizons in respect of our national but also European identity.
-will prepare traditional music concerts
-will prepare cultural music box,materials in it,distribute them to the partners.
-will organize training courses (at least one) on the main topic of the project,focusing on adult cultural music education
-will send 2 notes to each of the countries and arrange a mini concert of the notes of the other participating countries.
-will upload the project materials to the project website
-will record the good practises of the traditional music training programmes
-will keep the records of every implementations of the project
-will work hard to disseminate products and ideas of the project
-will work together with the other partners to create a high value cultural music training programme
-will exchange data,information,ideas, good practice,expertise with the other partners in order to achieve higher quality organizational and managerial skills in the field of adult multicultural music education.
-will know their roles in assuring the success of the project
-will share the tasks to ensure an active and equal role for the common activities of partnership
-will work as a team, without any discrimination
Competences Required:
Organising workshop,contributing for training courses,tools,adult education instruments, creating website, translation, using Power Point, CD/DVD,organizing exhibition,to report,to evaluate, to monitor and to disseminate the activities.
Our partnership deals with learner involvement. In this context, before the music training courses start, a broad consultation will take place, employing roundtable discussions, small group workshops and brainstorming, that will end up to a certain form of learning activity, in favour of the learners and trainers. Music boxes will be analyzed by the trainers of all the partner countries, the music education materials will be classified and a training programme will be formed according to suggestions and discussions of the trainers. The courses will be announced to the public via media, posters and advertisements. After the periodical cultural and musical courses, the trainees will evaluate the courses after the training programmes and tell their ideas and suggestions. Evaluation tools will be scheduled in order to enhance efficiency and productivity, along with support and guidance. Training staff will value and use learners ideas, suggestions and proposals in forming the final curriculum of the training activities, including the social values of the European citizenship and European dimension.
*1st Year of the project: CULTURAL MUSIC BOXES should contain academic information about music, traditional cuisines, music instruments, composers,concert repertoire scores, different scores from different modes, traditional clothes…so on
*The things that should be put in the boxes were discussed. The partners may enrich the boxes with many equipments related to music and culture.
*In each of the visit, the countries should perform mini concerts which will introduce their culture to the other partners.
*In the second year, these materials should be gathered.
*Exhibitions will be done with all these musical boxes.
*One of the partners should make training materials from them.
*Especially disadvantegous learners should be included in the music trainings.
*The training should be evaluated by the evaluation forms.
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The website designer came and explained about the site which will be multilingual and has a discussion forum. The site will be valid for 3 years. The price was decided as 1080 Euros and should be shared by all the partners. This offer was presented to all the partners and they may also do it if they can do it better.The last decision would be taken soon.
* Each of the partner will prepare a Grundtvig Corner about our project. It will be cultural musical corner with a project poster and materials.
2nd MEETING DATE was defined as between 5th of February,Saturday and 8th of February, Tuesday. The arrival date should be 4th of February. The departure day should be 9th of February but the visitors may come earlier and extend their travel.
• The 2nd meeting will be in Portugal.
• 2 days work + 2 days cultural tour
Daily expenses were explained to the partners.
3rd DAY:
3rd meeting date was about to be clarified but as one of our Italian partner “Gruppo Folk La Fontana “ was absent in our Kick-off meeting. We decided to clarify it in Portugal.
Our Romanian and Potugese Partners made their Powerpoint presentation for us.
In Rodica Miala Victoria’s presentation (Orizont Cultural T), her logo was accepted as our project logo. (Some little changes can be done for the logo)
Each of the partners should prepare and send:
Powerpoint presentations about their institution, countries / cities, their ideas about the project and how they can contribute the project and how we can enrich our project better.
The daily expenses were explained to the partners officially. (250 Euros for 5 days meals, transfer expenses, cultural tours in total-All the missing activities will not be included in the price and will be reduced from the total pay)
Association Manager